Saturday, April 27, 2019

Secrets of Financial Breakthrough and Freedom.

Dear Friends, you are in the right place to learn the secrets of financial Breakthrough and Freedom.
Secrets of Financial Freedom
The first key to financial freedom is PURPOSE.
You were born to solve a problem.
What is that problem? 
What is your life assignment? 
What problem angers you? 
What do you love to do? 
You see, money flows in the direction of emotional energy
You must identify those values and personal needs that you feel strongly about. 
Do you value freedom, adventure, love, security, health, beauty, integrity, confidence, having fun, affecting lives or living a life of significance?
If you were to get all the money you will ever need to spend today, what will you enjoy doing for the rest of your life? 
When you identify your purpose and values, list the activities around them that can bring money. 
Your wealth is hidden in the things you are passionate and excited about.
The second key to financial freedom is to " SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN".
If you do not develop this habit, even if your income increases, you may not grow richer, because you will spend everything.
Save some of your income. 
With the help of financial  advisors,  invest in insurance, shares, properties and other areas of business. When you begin to treat money this way, it will begin to flow towards you. It will flow so fast you will wonder where it has been all this while.

The third key to financial freedom is to  ''TREAT MONEY WELL.
Money is like a lover which when courted and treated well flows towards us in increasing quantities. But when it is not treated well, it has a way of avoiding us.
To him that has, more will be given, to him that has not; even what he has will be taken away. In other words, money flows from those who do not manage it well to those who manage it well. We increase our wealth by lowering our expenses while increasing our income.

The fourth key to financial freedom is to ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIP WITH FINANCIAL MENTORS.
He who walks with the wise will be wise but the companion of fools will be destroyed. We never rise beyond the quality of those we closely associate with. Our association will determine our promotion.
Be careful whose advice you follow.  Get as much advice as possible.  But consider more seriously the advice of those who have achieved what you are trying to achieve. Remember, no one is taught how to make money in school. What you learn from your mentors may be the most valuable information you will get on the issue of money. And you will likely get it for free.

The fifth key to financial freedom is to HAVE A WINNING IDEA".
In other words, creative thoughts rule this world.
 Dr. Robert Schuller once said that "the poor man is not the one who lacks money but the one who lacks ideas". 
All of the great ventures around us began as ideas in people’s minds.
To develop creative ideas, always establish definite goals with deadlines. Then take time to think. You may get a creative idea of your own or simply adapt something that is already in existence. Add something extra to it. 
However, the most powerful ideas come from God and you get them by praying, meditating on the Word of God and by giving to God’s work.  When God transfers ideas into your mind, He is transferring wealth into your life. Watch out for your breakthrough ideas.

The six key to financial freedom is to start with what you have. 
Most of us do not take bold steps towards the acquisition of riches because we believe that we do not have what we need to start with. As long as we focus on what we do not have, we will never start.
focus on God .

Wealth Coach Academy is a place to acquire Entrepreneur Skills to set up your own Business

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