Saturday, August 24, 2019

How To Redeem Your iTunes Gift Card And Use It

Are you really searching for how to redeem your iTune card? If yes, it show, you are in the right place at the right time. Without wasting your precious time,

Wealthcoach Academy is here to guide  you through the process. Let me start by telling you what you can do with iTune Card, how & Where to redeem it
The iTune card allows you to enjoy many things such as buying games, apps, music, movies and books for iPhone, iPad and Mac App Store etc So, whether it was given to you as a gift or you won it from a promo, all you have to do is to redeem it and start making purchases from your card.

How To Redeem iTunes Card
The following steps will guide you.
  1. First, turn over your iTunes gift card and scratch off the section on the back above the bar code. This will reveal the code you must enter at the iTunes Store to redeem the card.
  2. Next, go to the iTunes Store via Make sure you have an Apple ID/iTunes account.
  3. Click “Redeem using this ” in the “Account” menu: You’ll find it at the top left of your iTunes page. You may be asked to log into your iTunes account.
You have two options on the Redeem Code page for how you’ll credit your account with the money from the gift card.
First Method:
  • Simply type in the code you revealed when you scratched off the back of the card. 
  • When the “Redeem” button appears, click it.
Second Method:
  1. If your card has a focus box around the redemption code, you can use your computer’s built-in camera to scan the card and redeem it without typing. 
  2. Click “Use Camera,” then hold the iTunes gift card up to the camera when it turns on. The back of the card showing the focus box must face the camera. iTunes will recognize the card and scan the code, 
  3. adding the amount of the card directly to your account.
Now that you have redeemed your itunes card, you can now use it for whatever transaction you wish to use it for. 


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